Monday, November 19, 2007

Thank goodness nothing happened… 15/11/2007

We didn’t sleep again last night! Well, since it’s the last paper already (C++ Programming) and I don’t think I’ll score in Calculus and Statistics, I hope I could get better result for programming.

As so many times before, we stayed until about 7 o’clock in the morning, and we’re all hungry and tired due to studying and facing the laptop all night… So Hao agreed to take us to McD for breakfast! But then after the breakfast, while we’re on the way back to UKM, a ‘little’ accident happened… I couldn’t tell whose fault, but our car scratched another car that’s coming from behind when we cut into another road… >.<>st-year…

I didn’t know why, but I was quite calm when it happened… Maybe I was too surprise rather than scared. It’s only when we’re heading back to UKM then I felt terrified as I recalled what occurred! I mean, if we or they drove too fast, it might not just be a bit of scratch on the car… Thank goodness no one got hurt…

Life is so unpredictable… Everyone knows that! But I wonder who’d really care what it truly means… Now here I am, sitting at the café and blogging, but who knows what will happen next?!

“If you got something that you need to say, you better say it right now cause you don’t have another day,”—Vitamin C


Anonymous said...

Oi, achei seu blog pelo google está bem interessante gostei desse post. Gostaria de falar sobre o CresceNet. O CresceNet é um provedor de internet discada que remunera seus usuários pelo tempo conectado. Exatamente isso que você leu, estão pagando para você conectar. O provedor paga 20 centavos por hora de conexão discada com ligação local para mais de 2100 cidades do Brasil. O CresceNet tem um acelerador de conexão, que deixa sua conexão até 10 vezes mais rápida. Quem utiliza banda larga pode lucrar também, basta se cadastrar no CresceNet e quando for dormir conectar por discada, é possível pagar a ADSL só com o dinheiro da discada. Nos horários de minuto único o gasto com telefone é mínimo e a remuneração do CresceNet generosa. Se você quiser linkar o Cresce.Net( no seu blog eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso. If is possible add the CresceNet( in your blogroll, I thank. Good bye friend.

Anonymous said...

Wat's with the 1st comment?